Tuesday 4 August 2015

DIY remove hard water stain on shower head & unclogging shower head

I have been on a cleaning spree lately. After lots of research on the internet on how to clean washrooms I decided to try a DIY recipe for unclogging shower head and removing hard water stain on my shower head.

My washrooms shower head looks like it comes from a scary movie; full of this white hard gunk surrounding it; ITS DISGUSTING!! I also realized that the water pressure is not really up to the mark,some water ducts are blocked due to the white deposits on them. Behold the recipe I tried..................................


White vinegar!!!!!

Right on to the method:

1) Wrap the shower head with plastic filled with vinegar. 

2) Let is soak for an hour or more. I tried an hour but wished I'd soak them overnight.

3) Scrub the shower head with an old toothbrush

Simple isnt it.... before and after pictures clearly shows you the difference. On the PLUS SIDE the blocked water ducts have unclogged and water pressure has greatly improved!!

 Do let me know if it works for your guys!! :)



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