Thursday 29 January 2015

DIY Eyeshadow Sheild + cat eye perfector

Ok I just made that eye perfector..i like it..You know that tape method you use to make that perfect eyeshadow line. I hate using tape because they remove your existing makeup with it. Here is the perfect alternative and you most probably have these at home..

You know those eyebrow stencils that you NEVER use? Now you have a use for it.

BEHOLD!!!! The eyebrow stencil..

  1. It is not as sticky as a tape but sticky ENOUGH to stick to your eyes plus it doesn't remove your existing makeup.
  2. REUSABLE! You can reuse them, just clean with a clean tissue and you can do the next eye (No more fussing on the tape and cutting them, who has the time anyways)
  3. The opposite side can be your Eyeshadow sheild. Simply place a tissue in between the open holes, you wont have eyeshadow fallout on your undereye.
    Cat eye perfector

    Eyeshadow Sheild

    Eyeshadow crisp and clean :P


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